Request for Data Deletion

Welcome to our Data Removal Request web page. At Ticatoo, we take your privacy seriously and are committed to ensuring the security of your personal data. This page allows you to easily request the removal of your user data from our application. Please carefully read the following instructions and provide the necessary information to initiate the data removal process.

Important Information

Your Privacy Matters At Ticatoo, we value your privacy and understand the importance of maintaining control over your personal data. We abide by privacy laws and regulations and strive to provide a transparent and secure environment for our users.  

Data Removal Request Policy

Our Data Removal Request policy ensures that all user data is handled appropriately and securely. We are committed to fulfilling your request promptly while adhering to legal requirements. Please note that certain data may be retained for reasons such as legal obligations or legitimate business purposes, as outlined in our Privacy Policy.

Initiating the Data Removal Request

Submitting a Request
To begin the process of removing your user data from our application, kindly fill out the following form. Provide accurate information including Ticatoo-ID if available to ensure we can successfully identify and process your data removal request.

Verification and Confirmation
Upon submitting your data removal request, our team will carefully review the provided information to verify the identity of the requester. We may reach out to you via the provided email address for further confirmation. Once your request is verified, we will initiate the data removal process.

Timeframe and Updates
We strive to process data removal requests promptly. Please note that the timeframe may vary depending on the complexity of the request and the volume of incoming requests. We will make every effort to complete the process within 14 business days.
During the data removal process, we will keep you informed about the status of your request via email. You can expect updates regarding the progress and final confirmation of your data removal.

Contact Information
If you have any questions or require further assistance regarding the data removal process, please feel free to reach out to our dedicated support team. You can contact us at

By submitting a Data Removal Request, you are taking control over your personal data in our application. Thank you for trusting Ticatoo with your privacy, and rest assured that we are committed to fulfilling your request promptly and securely.
Request for Data Deletion